Thursday, October 30, 2008

"God Bless The Broken Road".....

Is one of my all time favorite songs, in fact I was planning on using it as wedding march for my wedding (who knows, maybe some day I will).

I was reading Tisha's latest blog, empathizing with her feelings of failure and frustration at having to continually change plans despite hard work and best intentions, when this song came to mind. I know, I seem to have a song for every occasion and situation...... what can I tell you, it's my life. Anyway, the thought occurred to me that the message in this song can be applied to all kinds of situations other than finding your one and only.

Most of us, at one time or another, have had to take a detour or two on the way to accomplishing a goal or dream. For some of us the entire way has been a series of detours and "Broken Roads" and we are still not where we want to be. But life isn't about the destination, it's about the journey. As long as we continue forward on the journey we are successful. One only fails when one no longer tries. I, myself, have several dreams I have been trying to realize for most of my life, (those of you who know me will know what they are). And a lot of people would say that the chances of having those dreams come true at my age are slim to nil and slim has left town, but I'm just stubborn and optimistic enough to continue to believe and to continue to work at it. Sure some days it's harder than others, but there have been a lot of late bloomers throughout history.

So I guess the thought for today would be NEVER GIVE UP. I suppose I could also insert several cliches here, but I won't bore anyone with that. I will however end with a line from the movie Cool Runnings, a truly inspirational movie about never giving up on your dreams and persevering no matter how rough the road becomes...... "Peace be the journey."

1 comment:

Tisha said...

I might also add, "Keep moving forward" from Meet the Robinsons, TJ's current favorite movie. (the one with the dinosaur that roars. during the whole show. at least according to TJ.)